Cairn University Chapels
Dr. Todd J. Williams - What in the World are we Doing: Biblical Perspectives on our Roles, Relationships, and Responsibilities in Life (Children & Parenting)
Mike Focht - God’s Will in Jeremiah
Rick Swift - A Heart to Heart on Community at Cairn
Dr. Bryan Murawski - The Leviathan and the Power of God
Kym & Paul Stone - The Work of the Stones Post-College
Raymond Johnson - The Work and Preparation for the Kingdom of God
Dr. Todd J. Williams - What in the World are we Doing: Biblical Perspectives on our Roles, Relationships, and Responsibilities in Life (A High View of Marriage)
Brian Weed - God’s Producing of the Fruits of the Spirit in Us
Dr. Greg Parker - The Transfiguration Transforming Our View of Jesus’ Fulfilling of the Old Testament
Dr. Jin Lee - Rest According to the Bible
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